Thursday, April 18, 2024

I will write custom prompts for open ai chat gpt 4


About this gig

ChatGPT is a cool tool that helps people write stuff like stories, essays, and even chat messages. 

But how does it work?

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Well, it's actually talking to a really smart computer that understands the language.

To make ChatGPT work well, we need to give it good information, which is called a prompt. 

A prompt is like a set of instructions that tells ChatGPT what we want to write about.

 If we give a good prompt, it will give us better and more accurate responses.

Think of playing a game. If the instructions are clear, it's easier to play the game well.

 But if the instructions are confusing, it's hard to play the game right. 

The same goes for prompts. 

If we give ChatGPT a prompt that's too simple, it won't be able to come up with creative and interesting responses. 

Drawing a picture with only one color. The picture won't be very exciting.

But don't worry, this service is available to help you create a great response with well-crafted prompts.

So that you only focus on writing great work and generating awesome responses in no time!

Let's get to WORK!

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